Hide Difference Panel
Suppresses center comparison panel.
Tolerance Mode
Detects pixel differences greater than tolerance.
Mismatch Range Mode
Measures degree of pixel difference.
Binary Operation Mode
Performs binary operation.
Ignore Unimportant Differences
Treats unimportant differences as same.
Stretch to Same Size
Forces pictures to have same height and width.
Reset Difference Offset
Realigns top left corner of both pictures.
Side-by-side Layout
Arranges panes side-by-side.
Over-under Layout
Arranges panes above and below each other.
File Info
Shows or hides file information panels at the top of panes.
Zoom > Zoom In
Makes pictures appear to be larger.
Zoom > Zoom Out
Makes pictures appear to be smaller.
Zoom > AutoZoom
Makes pictures appear to fill panes.